White Walker / Blog Of Thrones

Blog Of Thrones. Making your favourite character of Game Of Thrones.

White Walkers, by now my are favourite characters there, I'm not completely sure how they looks like, but using some references from the first episode and descriptions I finally made one. I think is the most exiting by now, because still can imagine their look.

All the entries can be found here:


Loftslag Blade

Character design/illustration.

An expedition travelled from the northern tribes to the most remotes parts of their lands. During the journey most of them passed away, until only two of them remained alive. They reached a zone without visibility and were blinded by a strong blizzard. But hey could finally glimpse a small area with a calm and peaceful weather, like an oasis of the desert. Both of them got into to that place and found something similar to a black stone sword. One of them held the blade in his hands, and the peaceful place
became suddenly frozen.
The one holding the blade remained frozen for a long time, turning into ice everything on his surroundings, even his friend. One day, life came back to him, but now he wasn't as human as he once was.
The black stone blade creates winter wherever it is, allowing its owner to master the cold weather at his will. From that day on the winter goes always with him. Sometimes he can be seen into the storms and blizzards by careless travellers, however he shall never be able to leave the blade or winter alive


Diseño de personaje/ilustración.

De las tribus de norte partió una expedición a lugares remotos. Fueron pereciendo por el camino hasta quedar solo dos con vida. Al llegar a una zona con escasa visibilidad puesto que una tormenta de viento y nieve les cegaba, lograron discernir
una zona rodeada de una tranquilidad y un clima plácido en medio de la hostilidad. Ambos entraron en esa pequeña zona y encontraron una espada negra con apariencia de roca, uno de ellos empuñó la espada y ese espacio de quietud se volvió hielo.

Aquel que empuñó la espada permaneció en pie congelado durante mucho tiempo, congelando todo lo que había a su alrededor, su compañero incluido.
Al cabo del tiempo volvió a la vida, pero no era todo lo humano que un día fue.
La espada de roca negra creaba el invierno a su paso, permitiendo al portador controlar el frió a su voluntad, pero nunca dejaría el invierno o el frió con vida, puesto que era lo que lo mantenía vivo.
A veces se aparecía entre las tormentas con una forma extraña para el resto de los pueblo pero nunca abandono las zonas mas remotas del norte.